Fun creative games together



All newcomers to the club are teamed up with a ‘Buddy’ who will show them round and ease them into the club. If your child speaks to you about any aspect of their life at the club that they are not happy with or uncomfortable about please let us know so we can rectify it. We want all our children to have a happy time with us, but we can only achieve this if we are aware of any problems that may arise.


Every term the children elect 6 colleagues to be on the Club Council. Here decision are made like what should we have for tea, what games we want, how the day should be run, what we would like to do next week, our weekly planning – in fact anything that involves the kids is decided by the kids! We think that is only fair seeing they are the main reason we are all here.


Not so much during term time (because we simply don’t have enough hours in the day) but during school holidays we make the most of the clubs minibus and do lots of trips to different places. In the past we have visited Heaton Park, Hollingworth Lake, MOSI, Southport (yes honestly) Philip’s Park, Manchester Airport, Bowling, the pictures, fire brigade, police museum…. The list goes on.

And if we have too many children for trips in the minibus we visit local parks, swimming baths, canal walks, sports events at Nuthurst Park and anything that we hear is going on in the local area. Our local PCSO’s visit us at least twice a year for a chat or to bring us up to date on anything that we need to know.

There is a free on site car park. Please use it wisely and don’t park either across the drop down kerb or on the pavement. PLEASE be responsible drivers!